The Goals Post

This was one of my many ‘blogging’ units and an effort to engage students with showcasing their achievement of learning goals.  As technology has improved I am now a fan of Seesaw for this type of work, but no doubt as things change further a new tool or technology type will change things again!


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Our project is called ‘Goal Posts’. Students will learn about building a blog to showcase their learning journey. They will need to plan and implement a design process to meet the requirements of school as well as their intended audience. They come to understand how online systems such as blogs can be used to support communication. They learn about the importance of digital citizenship and how to ensure they are leaving a positive digital footprint.

This project will be year long and contributed to weekly. It will be based on goals set by the students as well as the self assessment of their learning. Parents will become their audience as they present their learning in Week Seven of Term One and at the end of Term Two. More information about this process will become available closer to the date.
Students will be assessed individually on their skills in working technologically, on their writing and on their ability to reflect on their learning.

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Learn about goal setting at

Your blog is for your ‘long term’ or ‘Term One’ goals.

Every student is required to have a blog post at the start of each term that outlines their learning goal/s. Remember to show how they are SMART.

As the term goes on your blog posts will show how you are working towards those goals or proof that you have achieved them.
Goals will be reassessed as necessary, or at the beginning of each term.

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Individual blogs become a learning portfolio. A way to showcase your own work, learning and achievements.
Students are required to complete at least two posts per week that highlights their learning and achievements.These need to show a range of learning areas and may include written work (e.g a embedded doc, sheets or slides activity) a picture, video, audio clip or anything else that shows your learning.
Student blogs can be found at Stage Three at St Matt’s

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As well as being an online learning portfolio, student blogs allow us to write for an audience, learn about digital publishing and focus on cybersafety and digital citizenship.

Students will be assessed on their ability to create and maintain an engaging blog using the following criteria.

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